WARNING!!!! We all know that I am not a stylist, and am not licensed, so please don't write me saying "Elyse, Elyse, I burned all of my hair off!!! Pay for my hair plugs!!" I will tell you to refer to this, and to shut the hell up.
If you already have that gorgeous snow white hair, you are ready to go, and can skip this. However, most of us don't have our hair primed for what we need to do next. I use L'oreal Quick Blue powder bleach, and 30 volume developer. You can find these at stores like Sally's. Now, it is best to have your hair a little greasy before you bleach, this will protect your scalp from the awful burn that can come from putting noxious chemicals on your head, duh.
(here is an example of my poor, neglected locks, as greasy as a corn dog at the fair)
Apply bleach with a applicator-brush-thingy, trying your best to keep off of your roots. (You will seriously fry your skin) I take small parts of my hair, and apply to both sides.
(yep, my bathroom doesn't look like Better Homes and Gardens material, but you should already know this is not that kind of blog)
In this tutorial, I only bleached my roots, because that is all I needed. Oh, and please put on some music while you do this to distract from your aching arms. Once they have been in the air that long, you will wish you had called a friend to help.
Make yourself a cranberry and vodka, and settle in, mine processes at different times every time I bleach it. I just rinse when I have checked the very last piece that I applied bleach to, and it is as light as I would like.
Here is what I do while I wait, feel free to also style a bleach-hawk and take selfies.
( A girl has to find time to catch up on some Batman game news)
Now, rinse that shit out, and marvel at the fact that you look like the White Queen from Narnia.
(shock, awe!!! )
If you are impatient, you should now dry your hair with a blowdryer, or if you are like me, you will wrap your head up like every woman inherently knows how to do.
Now that your hair is completely dry, let's get to part two...DYEING!!!
Dyeing, that word always looks like it is spelled wrong.
So, if you are looking to get a different color than peach, then you will have to figure out your own color mixture. I used to use Manic Panic to get my eastery locks, but now I am using a different brand, to see if it is any more permanent. Here are the products that I mixed. But first, the SECRET INGREDIENT!!!
To take the full color dye to the more light tones that you are trying to achieve, you mix it with whatever white colored conditioner you have on hand.
What did that bitch just say?????
Yep, take that V05 that you have lying around for emergencies, because this is the emergency you've been waiting for!!! Dump a good bit into a mixing bowl, and begin to add your color. Remember, it will take a lot more conditioner to cover your hair than you think it will, because you will soak it up like a thirsty sponge.
Unless you have countertops that you don't mind staining, then remember to place something underneath your bowl, unlike I did.
Now, begin to add your color, I add some, then mix, then add more. I put in pink and orange to make my color a little more peach, a little less cotton candy. You will want your mixture about 2 shades darker than you want your hair to turn out, when you wash it out, you will thank me.
Here is my mixture. Now, rub that shit ALL over your head, I just use my hands for this, because I am no pussy!
BEWARE!!! absurd picture ahead!!!:
This is how it looks before I wash out the conditioner dye mix. I know, I know, I look ridiculous, and I am okay with that. I will redeem myself, I promise.
I let mine sit on my head for as long as my schedule allows, but no less than 2 hours. WAIT, 2 HOURS, you say? yep. Because it is diluted, I leave it on as long as I can. You can always rinse off a small piece, and see if it is where you want it to be.
Dry, style, whatever makes you feel better. Now you know, and with knowledge is power.
Oh, here is mine all done!!
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